Banners and logos...
If you wish to support Bizarre?Passion, insert a link on your site using one of the following logos and banners.
You can also add a short text presenting Bizarre?Passion and include our search engine on your site, the most visited catalogues or the most recent catalogues.
Bizarre?Passion logos :
To save an image right click on it and select save image as or click on the link and do the same for the 430x428 image
Bizarre?Passion's search engine :
To display Bizarre?Passion's search engine - in a catalogue or a personal Web page - you just have to copy the following code and paste it where you like:
You can change the background, text, title and title bar colours :
For this, just add the chosen colours within the code.
e.g.: for a black background with red text and a blue title on a green background, you will have to insert:
For colour codes, refer to an image editing application (Photoshop, Paintshop...)
A selection of the most popular catalogues:
To add our list of most popular catalogues - to a catalogue, a personal web page, ... - you just need to copy the following code and paste it where you would like the list to show:
You can set the number of results (lines) to display: simply change the number appearing after "?lines="
e.g.: ?lines=10...
The latest catalogues created:
To add the latest catalogues created - to a catalogue, a personal web page, ... - you just need to copy the following code and paste it where you like:
You can set the number of results (lines) to display: simply change the number appearing after "?lines="
e.g.: ?lines=10...
Bizarre?Passion's presentation text :
(Display this text along with a logo or banner)
Bizarre?Passion is a tool for collectors to build their personal web sites in a few minutes only, from a simple list of their items and images. Creating a web site with Bizarre?Passion is very easy. It provides an ideal counterpart for already existing web sites thanks to its integrated databases.
It's free, innovating, and designed by collectors for collectors !
Bizarre?Passion's banner :
To insert this banner, just copy the code below and paste it anywhere on your page.