Available services
Hosting service for catalogues, portfolios, galleries, ...
Automated creation of online catalogues
Unlimited number of catalogues, items per catalogue and texts and images per item
Graphical and functional customization.
For your visitors
Your own personal search engine performing searches for items on one or all of your catalogues
Web Interface in English or in French according to your visitors origin.
Password protection option
Reliable servers and large bandwidth
Management tools
Always keep your online catalogues up to date thanks to a simple Word table or Excel spreadsheet saved on your computer
Change, update, delete, sell, exchange, change the way your items are displayed thanks to simple and intuitive tools.
Increase your traffic by inserting your catalogues into webrings.
Take advantage of automatic submission of your items to the main search engines - far more efficient than submitting a webpage
Get full visitor statistics for your catalogues - including the number of hits for each item - and graphics on the frequentation of your webpages
Offer specifics
Domain name hosting
Large files hosting (video, mp3)
Removal of La Guilde's navigation bar (optional)
and more ...
Unlimited hosting of webpages (HTML, Javascript, VRML...)
Full featured e-mail account (web interface, e-mail forwarding, several aliases, ...)